A Note on Immigration

Below is a note Don shared with Audible’s global employees about the executive order on immigration.


From: Katz, Don
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:37 AM
To: Audible_Global
Subject: Immigration


In light of Friday’s deeply upsetting executive order and yesterday’s fallout, I want to reiterate Audible’s unwavering support of all of our employees and also urge any employee who is directly impacted by this action or who otherwise feels at risk to reach out to me personally or Anne Erni, our Chief People Officer, so that we can help.

This executive order and its heartless assault on the democratic principles and historical forces that have defined the best of the United States are evocations of the dark fear and anger I wrote about in my allofus note after the US elections. You may recall I also wrote that at Audible “we will not tolerate a sensibility internally that diminishes anyone who works here because of who he or she is — from where someone comes from to who someone chooses to love — and we will also stand behind any employee whose civil rights or dignity is challenged from outside Audible in any way we can.”

Courageous moral leadership persists against the cruelty and irrational shunning on a global scale. I was struck by this note from the new archbishop in Newark, and I thought I’d share this along with this request to get in touch with us if you need help.




Jazz in the Key of Ellison


Don Shares Audible’s Story in Steve Fiffer’s The Moment