Don and Phil Murphy on Sparking Tech-Driven Economic Growth in New Jersey Cities

Don and Gov. Phil Murphy delivered keynote addresses at a policy forum centered on how New Jersey can drive economic growth in its cities by attracting high-growth tech companies and tech talent.

Don said at the April 30 event at NJPAC:

We can indeed work together to redirect the collective genius of the state’s leaders and institutions and become better at targeting billions of dollars of public investment. We can stop the instinct to look backwards, to sustain the entrenched and the status quo, or at least stop looking sideways, as this has kept innovation, new job creation, taxable revenue and equality idling versus coursing forward in our state for too long.

We can get best practices from the cutting edge all over the world. We can create a new consensus around big visions and new action plans. All of this can change the state’s narrative for the better. And we can surely usher in what this talented governor has called “new businesses working at the cutting edge of innovation.”

Watch the NJTV clip below for more.


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