Embracing the Comeback of Newark Through Tech

Don contributed to New Jersey Tech Weekly‘s year-end feature, “Story of the Year 2016: Newark’s Tech Renaissance,” writing about Newark Venture Partners’ role in catalyzing Newark’s emerging tech ecosystem. Read it here.

In 2017, Audible will celebrate 10 years since we set up our world headquarters here in Newark. We decided to embrace the comeback of a great American city as a defining cultural principle for the company, because I’ve long believed companies can have hearts and souls and missions that transcend financial gain.

We’ve achieved amazing growth since we moved here; we’re now the fastest-growing private employer in the city, with close to 1,000 employees in Newark — one of 16 global centers where people work for Audible. But this city’s emerging tech ecosystem needs more companies like Audible to create wealth, jobs and opportunities, and that’s why I am currently most excited about Newark Venture Partners as 2016’s most pronounced disruptive innovation in Newark and New Jersey.


Urban Agenda Magazine Interview on Audible’s History and Newark