Tom Morello to Bring Storytelling and Music to Audible’s Minetta Lane Theater

Tom Morello, one of the elite guitar virtuosos, will share an electrifying musical narrative at the Minetta Lane Theatre in September, with T Bone Burnett serving as executive producer.

“As a longtime fan of Tom Morello’s brilliant musicianship, I can’t wait to hear more about his view of the powerful relationship between social conscience and the lyrics in music,” Don said. “We’re also thrilled to announce this important collaboration with the legendary T Bone Burnett on multiple upcoming projects. An artist and producer, T Bone is critically recognized for brilliantly marrying music and storytelling and is the ideal collaborator in helping us reinforce Audible’s commitment to telling great stories.”

Morello, who played guitar in Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave, said: “I was the only black kid in an all-white town, the only anarchist at a conservative high school, the only heavy metal guitarist at Harvard University, and the only Ivy League Star Trek nerd in the biggest political rap rock band of all time. The songs, the stories, the triumphs, the tragedies, the riffs, the rebellion – all will be revealed. Oh, and I’m going to play a lot of ripping guitar too.”


Don Leads CBS This Morning Through Audible’s Innovation Cathedral in Newark


Don and Audible Unveil Innovation Cathedral